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Free webinar: TRUST PV – Developing O&M- and grid-friendly solar PV

To introduce the TRUST-PV research project and provide more information to interested parties, project coordinator EURAC Research and members of the project consortium, Reuniwatt, BayWa r.e. Italy and SolarPower Europe are presenting their view on the project’s scope. This webinar that takes place on 25 February 2021, will explore in depth how we can increase the friendly integration of reliable PV plants; discuss innovative O&M concepts for increased PV performance and reliability; and present the concept of advanced forecasting, a key enabler for grid stability. TRUST-PV is a research project supported by SolarPower Europe and a number of Lifecycle Quality Workstream members. It is aimed at achieving a more grid-friendly integration of solar power in the EU and enable optimized grid stability and operations.
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